
So far, more than 260 peer reviewed papers have been published on the application of DryLab – a complete list of which you can find here.

DryLab draws on the philosophy described in the three most famous Solvophobic Theory papers IIIIII of Csaba Horváth, which were developed in the years 1975-1977 at Yale University (see also literature by Dr. Imre Molnár).

Read more about the Fundamentals of DryLab and its History.

Keyword Year

Possibilities of retention prediction in fast gradient liquid chromatography. Part 3: Short silica monolithic columns.

P. Jandera, T. Hájek
Journal of Chromatography A, 1410, 4 September, 76-89 (2015)

Keywords: Gradient elution, Modeling of chromatography, Monolithic columns, Fast separations, Two-dimensional chromatography



  • DryLab employs to find the optimum time of a simple (or segmented) gradient, yielding best resolution of a particular sample.
  • Short silica-based monolithic columns can be used with fast 1 min- gradients up to 5 mL/min.
  • Isocratic retention parameters were used for prediction and modeling gradient chromatograms.
  • The gradient range was optimized for maximum peak capacities within a fixed gradient time.

Importance of instrumentation for fast liquid chromatography in pharmaceutical analysis

Sz. Fekete, I. Kohler, S. Rudaz, D. Guillarme
Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 87, 18 January, 105-119 (2014)

Keywords: Extra-column variance, Gradient dwell volume, Maximum system pressure, Core–shell, UHPLC



  • A suitable chromatographic system has to be employed to take the full benefits of modern LC columns.
  • Extra-column band broadening and gradient delay volume have to be minimized.
  • The upper pressure limit of UHPLC systems is less critical in the case of fast-LC separations.
  • Acquisition rate is sufficient with spectroscopic detectors but much more critical with MS devices.
  • During the last few years, column technology has evolved faster than instrumentation.

Comparison of liquid chromatography and supercritical fluidchromatography coupled to compact single quadrupole massspectrometer for targeted in vitro metabolism assay

D.Spaggiari et. al
Journal of Chromatography A, 1371, 244–256 (2014)

Keywords: MS-supported automated method development, In vitro metabolism, Cocktail approach, UHPLC–MS, UHPSFC–MS, Compact single quadrupole


Supercritical fluidchromatography (SFC) was for the first time applied in the context of an in vitro metabolism study. LC and SFC method development procedures were assisted with single quadrupole detector, optimization was performed by computer simulation using DryLab modeling software. Baseline separation of 16 compounds was achieved in both LC and SFC. LOQs of 2–100 ng/mL and 2–200 ng/mL were achieved in LC–MS and SFC–MS, respectively. The compact single quadrupole was successfully used for in vitro metabolism study.

DryLab® optimised two-dimensional high performance liquid chromatography for differentiation of ephedrine and pseudoephedrine based methamphetamine samples

L. M. Andrighetto, P. G. Stevenson, J. R. Pearson; L. C. Henderson; X. A. Conlan
Forensic Science International, 244, 302-305 (2014)

Keywords: DryLab, Multidimensional high performance liquid chromatography, Ephedrine, Pseudoephedrine, Methamphetamine


In-silico optimised two-dimensional high performance liquid chromatographic (2D-HPLC) separations of a model methamphetamine seizure sample are described, where an excellentmatch between simulated and real separations was observed. DryLab optimisation reduced 2D-HPLC development time significantly. Targeted separation of model compounds was completed with significantly reduced method development time. This separation was completed in the heart-cutting mode of 2D-HPLC where C18 columns were used in both dimensions taking advantage of the selectivity difference of methanol and acetonitrile as the mobile phases. This method development protocol is most significant when optimising the separation of chemically similar chemical compounds as it eliminates potentially hours of trial and error injections to identify the optimised experimental conditions. After only four screening injections the gradient profile for both 2D-HPLC dimensions could be optimised via simulations, ensuring the baseline resolution of diastereomers (ephedrine and pseudoephedrine) in 9.7 min. Depending on which diastereomer is present the potential synthetic pathway can be categorised.

Robust UHPLC Separation Method Development for Multi-API Product Amlodipine and Bisoprolol: The Impact of Column Selection

R. Kormány, I. Molnár, J. Fekete, D. Guillarme, Sz. Fekete
Chromatographia, 77, 17-18, 1119-1127 (2014)

Keywords: UHPLC, Method development, Quality by design (QbD), DryLab, Amlodipine, Bisoprolol


A new and fast ultra-high pressure liquid chromatographic separation of amlodipine and bisoprolol and all their closely related compounds is described for impurity profiling purposes. Computer-assisted method development with DryLab was applied and the impact of several state-of- the-art stationary phase column chemistries (50 × 2.1 mm, sub-2 μm, and core–shell type materials) on the achievable selectivity and resolution was investigated. The work was performed according to QbD-principles using design of experiment with three experimental factors: gradient time (tG), temperature (T), and mobile phase pH. DryLab proves that the separation of all compounds was feasible on numerous column chemistries within <10 min, by proper adjustments of variables. It was also demonstrated that the reliability of predictions was good, as the predicted retention times and resolutions were in good agreement with the experimental ones. The final, optimized method separates 16 peaks related to amlodipine and bisoprolol within 7 min, ensuring baseline separation between all peak-pairs.

Rapid UHPLC Method Development for Omeprazole Analysis in a Quality-by-Design Framework and Transfer to HPLC Using Chromatographic Modeling

A. Schmidt, M. Stanic
LCGC North America, 32, 2, 126-148 (2014)

Keywords: UHPLC, DryLab, QbD, Design Space, Method Development, Method Modeling, Method Transfer, Omeprazole, Impurities


The aim of this study was to apply quality-by-design principles to build in a more scientific and risk-based multifactorial strategy in the development of an ultrahigh-pressure liquid chromatography (UHPLC) method for omeprazole and its related impurities.

The work presents a quality-by-design–based method development strategy for a method that tests the purity of omeprazole. The scientific and risk-based multifactorial method development strategy uses visual chro- matographic modeling as a fast and easy-to-use development tool. To speed up the method development process, all experiments are performed on a UHPLC system. The final method is successfully transferred to HPLC conditions. Predicted and experimental retention times are verified to confirm accuracy of the model.

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